Saturday, December 20, 2008


Supreme Court to talk about Obama 3rd time
Berg eligibility case set for conference Jan. 9

3 comments: United States Marijuana Party said...

Hawaii Revised Statutes
HRS 0338-0020 0005.htm
(a) The department of health
shall establish a Hawaii
certificate of birth
for a person born
in a foreign country
and child by adoptive parent
or parents.

Hawaii Revised Statutes
HRS 0578-0014.htm
(b) If a new birth certificate...
is issued, the original birth
certificate shall be sealed.

Hawaii Revised Statutes
HRS 0338-0041.htm
(b) Any certificate of Hawaiin birth issued heretofore
under or by virtue
of any evidence
overcome by competent evidence
of nonidentification.
4 U.S.D.C. Haw. 258.
Certificate not controlling.

Ted said...

If 1/20/09 comes and goes with a usurper in the Whitehouse with usurper enablers in Congress and the Supreme Court … God help us because many of the people will — rightfully and under our Constitution and Declaration of Independence — endeavor forcefully to take back the Government from what is nothing less than a coup d’etat.

SCOTUS now does have the power to forestall that grim yet inevitable scenario, otherwise the blood and possible loss of our Constitutional Republic is SQUARELY ON THEIR HEADS.

Ted said...

The birth certificate is a giant red herring!

The actual issue is that Obama is not an Article II "natural born citizen" because his dad was a Kenyan/British citizen when Barack was born.